Psilocin Magic Lemonade
NOTE: This information is for educational purposes only. Deltables does not condone consuming psychedelic substances where it is prohibited by law. The two primary components responsible for the psychoactive properties of magic mushrooms (Psilocybe cubensis being the most commonly cultivated) is psilocybin and psilocin. Psilocybin acts primarily as a prodrug to psilocin which is responsible for the bulk of the psychedelic effects. The conversion process is known as dephosphorization, and in some ways is analogous to the process of decarboxylation with THC. While it is not necessary to dephosphorylate the mushrooms to feel the effects prior to ingestion, it can help speed up the effects and greatly reduce nausea and body load which are common symptoms. In addition it allows the user to slowly sip on the beverage which can help ease the comeup. Note: This extraction is not very stable and should be consumed within the first few days. Storing it in the freezer can help extend the shelf life, however, it oxidizes very quickly. This oxidation can be seen visibly as the solution will turn teal and eventually turn to a dark black/blue shade. At this point the extract will be largely inactive as the psilocin has oxidized into inactive oligomers.

Ingredients & Equipment
– 2-14g Finely ground P. cubensis Mushrooms
– pH Meter or litmus paper
– Citric Acid
– High Proof Ethanol (Everclear/Vodka)
– Cheesecloth / Vacuum Filter Setup (Optional but helpful)
– Double Boiler
– Distilled Water
– Lemonade (I like to mix in some fruit and herbs, canned lychee makes a great mix)
We will begin by first dephosphorylating the psilocybin into psilocin. This can be accomplished by reacting it with an acid.
1) Add a small quantity of citric acid to 100-200ml (depending on starting mushroom quantity) of distilled water to achieve a pH of 4 (Check with your pH meter or litmus paper). Make sure the citric acid is fully dissolved and agitated before measuring the pH. Some heating may be required to get it to fully dissolve.
2) Combine the ground mushroom mixture with the acidic solution and stir.
3) Place the mixture in a double boiler for 8-10 minutes or until it reaches a temperature of 160°F/70°C
4) Remove the mixture from the heat and place in an ice batch until the solution is cooled down. You should allow the mixture to sit for 1-4 hours.
5) Strain the solution. There are a number of ways to do this including a vacuum filtration setup or simply just some cheesecloth. Preserve the leftover mushroom material in the freezer. Store the remaining fungi off to the side.
6) Soak the remaining mushroom material in an equal amount of ethanol. Everclear is preferred but high proof vodka or something similar should work fine.
7) Stir the mixture occasional for 30 minutes before straining. Combine the ethanol and aqueous filtrate (It should be roughly a 1:1 ration).
8) Thoroughly mix the resulting extraction into a lemonade or similar drink and enjoy. The effects generally kick in within 15 minutes of ingesting and the overall experience is slightly different.

This solution unfortunately is highly unstable and will degrade rapidly. I’m currently working on solutions to this and will update if I find anything. If any of the readers have ideas please feel free to reach out. This method was developed from the research from the following sources listed below. The bluing color of the extract indicates the psilocin is being oxidized into oligomers which are inactive. It is most recommended to prepare this the day of or the day before consuming. Please be aware the effects can feel stronger so please titrate your dosage and use responsibly.
The image of the flask shows the psilocin oxidizing into the blue tinted oligomer only hours after extracting. The mixture is certainly still potent at this point but take great care to avoid exposing it to sunlight and leave in the fridge or freezer. If the mixtures becomes extremely dark black it has likely become less active.
It is important to calculate the final dosage in your mixture before consuming. Take the overall volume of drink and divide it by the number of grams placed into it. While some psilocin will likely be lost in the final concentration, I still highly recommend to titrate slowly as it kicks in very fast and strong very different then when consumed orally. Please provide with caution, you can always take more you can never take less. For more information about dosage visit psychonautwiki.
Casale JF. An aqueous-organic extraction method for the isolation and identification of psilocin from hallucinogenic mushrooms. J Forensic Sci. 1985 Jan;30(1):247-50. PMID: 4038992.
Lenz, Claudius, et al. “Injury‐triggered Blueing reactions of psilocybe ‘magic’ mushrooms.” Angewandte Chemie International Edition, vol. 59, no. 4, 2019, pp. 1450–1454, https://doi.org/10.1002/anie.201910175.